digital Read

Read a digital 0 or 1 from a pin.


Digital pins read one of two values: 0 or 1. Often the 0 means something connected to the pin is turned off or its status is 0. In a similar way, 1 means something connected to the pin is on or has a status of 1.


  • a number value that is either 0 or 1. The meaning of the value depends on how something connected to the pin decides on what value to give.


See if a switch on your bread board is on or off. The switch is connected to pin D4. If the switch is on, change the color of the RGB LED strip to green.

let mySwitchOn = pins.digitalRead(DigitalPin.D4)
if (mySwitchOn > 0) {
} else {
    rgb.setColor( Colors.Red)    

See Also

||pins:digital write||